
Fallout shelter game mysterious stranger
Fallout shelter game mysterious stranger

fallout shelter game mysterious stranger

It adds brand new ways to spread the gospel of the Cult of the Lamb with powerful new abilities, exciting new characters, and thrilling new challenges.ĭelve into the shrouded history of the Lands of the Old Faith as the Lamb fights to conquer those who would question their power. The Lamb must keep their Cult flourishing, their Followers faithful, and their power unchallenged as they crusade in this free content expansion, Relics of the Old Faith. Fallout 4, meanwhile, is due out on November 10.Cult of the Lamb: Relics of the Old Faith The game's first Fallout 4 character was added in June.įinally, there's now support for cloud saves, letting you manage your Vault from multiple devices.įallout Shelter debuted back in June as a free game it was originally released on iOS but came later to Android. Those playing the iOS version of the game can take advantage of an exclusive offer that gets them a free character from Fallout 4 (Piper, who makes her debut in the trailer) and five free lunchboxes. There's also a new statistics page in the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide. Rather than blast your enemies while looking stylish, as in the standard Fallout games, here you're rewarded with caps for spotting him in your Vault. Make Vault-Tec proud!"Īlso in the patch, you can now loot defeated enemies, skip the tutorial, and encounter the Mysterious Stranger. "Introducing Survival Mode! More danger, More glory. "Faced all the challenges the 'normal' Vault simulation can provide?" Bethesda's description reads.

fallout shelter game mysterious stranger

This isn't explained in-depth, but it sounds like a higher difficulty setting. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot'sĪs briefly shown in the trailer above, the 1.2 update adds Survival mode.

Fallout shelter game mysterious stranger